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Languages Increasing in Demand: Korean Language Translation

Written by Nicole Piazza, Sales Coordinator | Feb 5, 2018 1:52:02 PM

Korean language translation is a very important part of doing business in East Asia. South Korea has traditionally been one of the pioneering members of ‘Asia Tigers’ club. This nation produces and exports an amazing volume of goods, especially considering how small the country actually is (compared to China, for example).

While the global economic crisis that got started in 2008 didn’t leave this peninsular nation unscathed, South Korea still has an extremely robust infrastructure that thrives inside of a dynamic economic situation.

Educational levels are exceedingly high, as are technical skills, competition, various business models and the skill sets needed to advance hardware, software, and the capacity of different industries to come up with novel ideas.

What this means is an ongoing need for Korean language translation.

Koreans do a lot of business in the United States, and Americans do a lot of business in South Korea. This cross-pollination of business cultures and joint ventures feeds the necessity for quality Korean to English and English to Korean translations at home and overseas.

All kinds of companies are on the look out for Korean language skills such as Apple, which is often looking for technical translators for a Korean.

With over 60 million Korean speakers in the world, living in the two Koreas (of course) as well as dozens of other countries, the demand for Korean language translation is naturally on the rise and Korean ranks among the top 10 foreign languages spoken in the United States.

Chances are you’ve probably already heard this Asian language spoken on the streets, in restaurants, or in cafés. No matter what your relationship with Korea and its language (business, innovation, tourism) happens to be, the demand for Korean language translation is here to stay.